When ‘Data is King,’ automated systems can be the crown jewels

No longer science fiction, the skilled use of data automation can give investment managers a big competitive advantage By Michael Trinkaus Automation long ago ceased being the stuff of science fiction stories. But it still…

In fund services, CFOs are our people. Put them first.

To promote the strongest business partnerships, build a team of people who have walked in your clients’ shoes.  By Michael Trinkaus   To maintain a good life or a flourishing empire, Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius advised readers nearly 2,000 years ago to “Look well into thyself; there…

How PE CFOs are revisiting fears of Washington

The private capital community is watching the new administration and Congress closely. Changes to the tax code and other financial legislation continue to unfold. The question is how significantly new provisions could force changes to…

4Pines CEO Michael Trinkaus: Manual Sub Docs Are Not A Necessary Evil

4Pines Fund Services’ CEO Michael Trinkaus recently nailed why 45-page fund subscription documents and manual data-entry are still tolerated at more funds than an outsider would imagine. “It’s just being able to be nimble and…

It’s all about people!

All I can say is WOW!!!!  Time certainly waits for nobody, and 4Pines is no exception to the rule.  I thought for sure I’d have posted another blog entry by now, but unfortunately that hasn’t…

Welcome to 4Pines Fund Services

Hi everyone!! My name is Mike Trinkaus and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of 4Pines Fund Services. Before I go into who and what we are at 4Pines, I’ll preface this first post with I’ve…